Wednesday, August 22, 2007

taking it to the next level...

So, earlier this month, I watched a documentary called "Independent America" and was inspired to stop shopping at big box corporate stores, and focusing more on the Mom and Pop stores in our country. Then, I recorded my pact in a blog. Now, I am taking the next step in achieving a bigger consumption goal.

So, here's the thing. Ultimately, I want to only buy goods and services from Oregon. I want to only shop at locally owned stores, buy clothes and shoes that are manufactured by independent businesses in Oregon, and only use people in Oregon to help me with whatever service I need. Now, that is a fairly radical goal I have been told, and I agree it will take a little while to achieve. So, I am taking it step by step. Day by day, and this is the next step I have already taken.

I am only buying products and using services that are manufactured or provided in a state West of the Rocky Mountains. My most recent trip to WinCo was a lot harder. :) This step means no Goldfish crackers (my favorite, produced in Connecticut), no major brands of soda pop (I can only buy Shasta since it is produced in California), and so on and so forth. At the end, I can't wait till the only place I get my food is from local farmers and businesses. Luckily, Oregon really caters to people like me. Every little town has it's own version of a Farmer's Market every weekend, and all the businesses come out hoping to catch the eye of people like me. It's going to cost a lot more money, but you know - I would rather have Joe Smith from Beaverton, Oregon enjoying the $5 extra I spent on his product then the Communist leaders in China rejoicing that they sold another lead filled product to an unknowing American idiot. That's where I'm coming from. :)

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