Tuesday, August 21, 2007

madalyn murray o'hair...

Does anyone recognize that name? Does anyone remember who she was? I didn't, until I watched a documentary about her life and death - named "Godless in America".

She was amazing. She was breathtaking. She was a little old lady who had the courage to stand up to America and fight for her right - to be an atheist. She was the one who took prayer out of schools. She was the one who fought for abortion rights for women, she was the one who tried to take the words "under God" out of our pledge of allegiance. She even had the balls to call Christians "Christers". That's priceless! She was a moving individual. She did what I wished I had the guts to do. She was a very public figure and also was named as the "Most Hated Woman in America". THAT, my friends, is something to be said.

She was Phil Donahue's first talk show guest. He raved about her! He was a devout Catholic, but was able to interview Madalyn and get the best reaction out of her. Their chemistry was off the charts, and it sent him off to be a talk show pioneer. He was quoted as saying "Being described as the most hated woman in America gave her power. I mean - if you are the most anything, you must be pretty powerful." That makes me think - what are haters? Those who make you powerful! He also said this about their times on the talk show together, "She seemed to get the biggest kick out of the "Christers" who called the program and wished that God would damn her to hell forever in boiling oil. That just thrilled her! That was a success! That was her proof that religion was a form of mental illness."

She gave talks. She helped fuel the Vietnam War rallies, giving us an example of what to do about this Iraq War. She questioned every step that religion made, and questioned it publicly. I watched her giving a speech to a classroom full of college students saying, "Do you know that after the moon mission, the Pope issued an announcement. That it was the duty of the government to put missionaries on those flights? To convert other life forms!" She was the original American heretic! She ran around and told people that because they were American, they did not have to believe in anything, including God, and did not have to listen to any authority. Of course, the Christians were devastated. She was also seen on another talk show saying things like "You are going to spend your whole life preparing to meet the Lord? Boy, you folks are crazy as hell!!" I loved her.

But according to the American Christians, she had to be shut up. Then she went missing. Along with $600,000 of the foundation's money. For 5 years! No one cared that she was missing. They automatically assumed that she had stolen the money and took off with her son and granddaughter. But 5 years later, a reporter came across a story of a murdered man with no head and no hands - who was named Danny Fry. Danny Fry was an accomplice of David Water's - Madalyn's ex-con office manager. To make a long story short, David had kidnapped the three O'Hair's, made them transfer the money and purchase gold coins, and once they got the coins, they murdered the O'Hairs. Then David and another partner murdered Danny Frye in fear that he would tell the police. But when David and his second accomplice went back to the storage unit where they had placed the money, they found that some petty con men had broken into the storage unit and found the coins. They were gone, and the O'Hair's were murdered for some petty con men to be able to buy new cars and go on vacations. How sad. But, hey - it's America. People have killed for less than that.

Well to commemorate the spirit of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, as she put it best.

"Everybody in this world can go to hell."

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