Thursday, August 30, 2007

quote of the day...

Galileo, hero of astronomy

"The Bible may tell you how to go to Heaven, but it doesn't tell you how the Heavens go."

-on what inspired him to study astronomy
and what changed astronomy forever

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

quote of the day...

Slavoj Zizek, pioneer of philosophy

"The most elementary definition of ideology is probably the well known phrase from Marx's Capital:

"They do not know it, but they are doing it."

The fundamental level of ideology, however, is not of an illusion making the real state of things but that of an (unconscious) fantasy structuring our social reality itself."

-on ideology and how it functions
from a documentary, Zizek!

Translate that, and see if you can get it right. If you do, I will ultimately respect you intellectually.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

taking it to the next level...

So, earlier this month, I watched a documentary called "Independent America" and was inspired to stop shopping at big box corporate stores, and focusing more on the Mom and Pop stores in our country. Then, I recorded my pact in a blog. Now, I am taking the next step in achieving a bigger consumption goal.

So, here's the thing. Ultimately, I want to only buy goods and services from Oregon. I want to only shop at locally owned stores, buy clothes and shoes that are manufactured by independent businesses in Oregon, and only use people in Oregon to help me with whatever service I need. Now, that is a fairly radical goal I have been told, and I agree it will take a little while to achieve. So, I am taking it step by step. Day by day, and this is the next step I have already taken.

I am only buying products and using services that are manufactured or provided in a state West of the Rocky Mountains. My most recent trip to WinCo was a lot harder. :) This step means no Goldfish crackers (my favorite, produced in Connecticut), no major brands of soda pop (I can only buy Shasta since it is produced in California), and so on and so forth. At the end, I can't wait till the only place I get my food is from local farmers and businesses. Luckily, Oregon really caters to people like me. Every little town has it's own version of a Farmer's Market every weekend, and all the businesses come out hoping to catch the eye of people like me. It's going to cost a lot more money, but you know - I would rather have Joe Smith from Beaverton, Oregon enjoying the $5 extra I spent on his product then the Communist leaders in China rejoicing that they sold another lead filled product to an unknowing American idiot. That's where I'm coming from. :)

the end of the earth...

if only it were that simple.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

quote of the day...

Phil Donahue, talk show Pioneer

"We are the most religious nation on Earth. We throw more holy water, sing in more choirs, we build more mosques, churches and synagogues. And dispatch our loved ones at the end of our lives with more prayer and holy smoke than any other nation in the history of the universe. Apparently you can't get elected to anything in this country without God blessing this and that and my dog and my cat. I mean, this is ridiculous. People are tripping over their robes to bless everything in public life. And you know - God himself must be up there saying and wincing, 'Whoa, whoa, hold it. Don't talk to me, talk to the person next to you on the bus.'"

-on religion in America
featured on documentary "Godless in America"

madalyn murray o'hair...

Does anyone recognize that name? Does anyone remember who she was? I didn't, until I watched a documentary about her life and death - named "Godless in America".

She was amazing. She was breathtaking. She was a little old lady who had the courage to stand up to America and fight for her right - to be an atheist. She was the one who took prayer out of schools. She was the one who fought for abortion rights for women, she was the one who tried to take the words "under God" out of our pledge of allegiance. She even had the balls to call Christians "Christers". That's priceless! She was a moving individual. She did what I wished I had the guts to do. She was a very public figure and also was named as the "Most Hated Woman in America". THAT, my friends, is something to be said.

She was Phil Donahue's first talk show guest. He raved about her! He was a devout Catholic, but was able to interview Madalyn and get the best reaction out of her. Their chemistry was off the charts, and it sent him off to be a talk show pioneer. He was quoted as saying "Being described as the most hated woman in America gave her power. I mean - if you are the most anything, you must be pretty powerful." That makes me think - what are haters? Those who make you powerful! He also said this about their times on the talk show together, "She seemed to get the biggest kick out of the "Christers" who called the program and wished that God would damn her to hell forever in boiling oil. That just thrilled her! That was a success! That was her proof that religion was a form of mental illness."

She gave talks. She helped fuel the Vietnam War rallies, giving us an example of what to do about this Iraq War. She questioned every step that religion made, and questioned it publicly. I watched her giving a speech to a classroom full of college students saying, "Do you know that after the moon mission, the Pope issued an announcement. That it was the duty of the government to put missionaries on those flights? To convert other life forms!" She was the original American heretic! She ran around and told people that because they were American, they did not have to believe in anything, including God, and did not have to listen to any authority. Of course, the Christians were devastated. She was also seen on another talk show saying things like "You are going to spend your whole life preparing to meet the Lord? Boy, you folks are crazy as hell!!" I loved her.

But according to the American Christians, she had to be shut up. Then she went missing. Along with $600,000 of the foundation's money. For 5 years! No one cared that she was missing. They automatically assumed that she had stolen the money and took off with her son and granddaughter. But 5 years later, a reporter came across a story of a murdered man with no head and no hands - who was named Danny Fry. Danny Fry was an accomplice of David Water's - Madalyn's ex-con office manager. To make a long story short, David had kidnapped the three O'Hair's, made them transfer the money and purchase gold coins, and once they got the coins, they murdered the O'Hairs. Then David and another partner murdered Danny Frye in fear that he would tell the police. But when David and his second accomplice went back to the storage unit where they had placed the money, they found that some petty con men had broken into the storage unit and found the coins. They were gone, and the O'Hair's were murdered for some petty con men to be able to buy new cars and go on vacations. How sad. But, hey - it's America. People have killed for less than that.

Well to commemorate the spirit of Madalyn Murray O'Hair, as she put it best.

"Everybody in this world can go to hell."

Monday, August 20, 2007

the tragedy at virginia tech...

I think I may be the only one on this planet (besides the people I have already convinced) that thinks that the real tragedy was Cho's. I have been harboring this feeling inside for so long, and I finally want to put it out there.

Imagine a life where you are tortured. You are already an outsider because you came from a different country. You have a speech impediment because English is one of the hardest languages to master. You try making friends, but instead they just laugh when you try to talk. You try to meet girls, but they just giggle when you try to speak. You hate going to English class, where they ask you to read your paper out loud - and have to deal with assholes for the next few months mocking what a hard time you had. Everyday you dread waking up because you know it will only be hell in school. Every day you wake up and think about killing yourself because there is nothing you can do to make your life better. You have a small amount of hope left, but instantly it is ruined by popular kids in high school and college stepping on you to look cool. You are a tortured soul, and there is no reason to keep on living.

What would you do? Would you keep on living? Would you find a reason, a hope? Maybe he did, and then it was crushed again. The definition of insanity is that you keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. He kept going on, he kept trying hard to fit in, expecting one day that it would work. And it never did. He was going insane trying to fit in. So, he did something else. He closed everyone out. He pushed everyone away. He escaped into his own mind. The most dangerous place he could go. But they pushed him in there. They made him find refuge in himself. That's where they went wrong. I wish someone would have helped him. Someone would have loved him. I wish there was someone who would walk with him after class. Someone to hold his hand. Someone to be his friend. Someone he could call when he was having a hard day. Someone who would give him hope in life. Someone who gave him a reason to say "You are the only person I am living for". But he didn't have that person. He didn't have anyone like that. And when you don't have anyone to turn to, and you keep getting pushed into a corner by your enemies, you come out swinging. And he did. But he didn't come out swinging fists and taking names, he chose the more popular method these days. He came out with dual pistols. And he took lives. He vindicated himself in his own mind. All those kids had ignored him. All those kids had tortured him. All those kids had made fun of him. Even if the individuals he killed had never spoken to him, he must have assumed they hated him like EVERYONE HE HAD EVER KNOWN.

Everybody wonders, "Why would a mad man do this?" "How could someone do this?" That's how. You torture someone to the point of no return, and it's only a matter of time until his tragedy of a life becomes a mass tragedy of other people's lives.

I just wish I could have been that one person. The one to have given him hope, to have been there to save his mind from the insanity. But there was no one, and that is the price we pay.

Lesson learned - befriend those who have no friends. Give someone hope, and maybe you will save lives.

Isn't that more noble than wearing a ribbon?

Friday, August 17, 2007

random scribblings...

Here are some random scribblings I found in my notebook... Things pop into my head and I just need to write them down, and I love finding them later. :)

~~~On the Muslim religion:

...There is an awful lot of hatred and killing being done in the name of the so-called Allah... And a lot of people who demand tolerance and acceptance without showing it themselves.

~~~How to tell you are experiencing heart failure:

...Chest pressure or burning
...Jaw or neck pain
...Pain in one or both arms
...Shortness of breath

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

salt water into fuel...

Yes, you read the title correctly... My man showed me a video on You Tube where a Indiana man has mistakingly invented something that could change the world. Isn't that how it always happens? He was researching how to cure cancer but while he was experimenting during his research, he found something else. He found out how to BURN salt water. At 1,500 degrees Celcius. No joke. The best part is that he said any big company could buy the idea from him, and he would just use the money to keep researching a cure for cancer. We need more people like him.

Friday, August 10, 2007

this is my new pact...

After watching a documentary called "Independent America : The Search for Mom & Pop" - my man and I have decided to make a pact. We will no longer eat at fast food chain restaurants (case in point - Taco Bell, Wendy's, McDonalds, KFC, Carl's Jr), nor will we eat at restaurant chains (Chili's, Applebee's, Outback, Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory), nor will we shop at big box chain stores (Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Ikea). These stores are putting the mom and pops of our nation out of business. We want to keep our money in AMERICA where it belongs, and when you shop at stores like Wal-Mart and K-Mart, most of the money goes back to China.

Have you been listening to the news lately? China has been NON STOP recalling their goods. NON STOP realizing that the crap they make was not created properly. Surprised? I'm not surprised.

They have also been talking about their "nuclear economic option" all over their news channels lately. Do you know what that means? Give us our money. That's what it means. What happens when they say that, in real time? Give us the trillions that you owe us, or we will pursue our economic nuclear option. Does that scare anyone else out there? Anyone? I am scared shitless. These are the other kinds of things that I have been wanting to move to Canada over. Eeek.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

can't believe he's gone...

Wow. It's not everyday you lose a once close friend. His murder is still unsolved, but we will not let it go. His murderers will be found. I just can't believe I'll never see his face again. These pictures are all I have left.

Goodbye James.

i shit you not...

I watched a show by a comedian the other night and for the LIFE of me I cannot remember what it is called - but he did a segment called "I Shit You Not". I thought it was quite clever and funny - and also thought I might share it with you all. All of these things are TRUE. :)

- Durex condoms recently released a product called the "Ramses" condom. Well, that's odd - since it was named after the Pharaoh Ramses, who fathered 110 kids in his life time! I shit you not!

- On the Titanic, they served iceberg lettuce in the dining room. I shit you not!

- Hugh Hefner recently celebrated his 81st birthday, with 3 girlfriends by his side. The funny thing is, their combined ages = 81! (33 + 27 + 21 = 81) I shit you not!

- The croissant was introduced by Austria originally. It was made after the crescent of the Ottoman flag. It took 100 years before it's debut in France... and you'll never guess who helped make it's debut. A 16 year old Austrian princess - none other than Marie Antoinette! I shit you not!

- In 1990, Pfizer did a test on Cedenophil, which was for heart patients. No one's blood pressure went down, but every test patient's dick went up. Goodbye Cedenophil, hello Viagra! I shit you not!

Now this segment was about whether or not the spokesperson for the following products were real or no real:

- Betty Crocker (NO REAL) She was made up in 1921 by a Minneapolis baking company. When customers would write and ask for help, the company would write back letters signed "Betty Crocker" to give the customer an idea that they were getting good customer service. A few years later, she got her own radio show. But actresses just pretended to be her. In 1971, the company decided to make her face by blending women worker's faces together. The picture has changed over the years, and has not ever gotten older. But people still believe she is real. She is said to be the most popular female icon in America - besides Eleanor Roosevelt.

- Chef Boyardee (REAL) Hector Boiardi was a Cleveland man, famous for his spaghetti. A business man friend of his suggested he sell his spaghetti nationally, so he did - but first wanted to take care of the problem that he had with people mispronouncing his name. So on the product, he spelled his last name phonetically (boy-ar-dee).

- Lil Debbie (REAL) Little Debbie was the maker of the snack's granddaughter. He did not tell his daughter, however - and before she knew it, her daughter's face was all over snacks in the entire country!

- Aunt Jemima (NO REAL) - Nancy Green in 1893 was the first living trademark, going by Aunt Jemima. She was also the first African spokeswoman. But she was hit by a car in 1923. And the Aunt Jemima brand lived on.

I love that show. Now I just have to think of the name of it. :)

eye for an eye...

Last night I watched a documentary about the death penalty. It is called "Deadline" and is a piece about death row inmates and their stories. An investigative journalism class in Chicago, Illinois took on the project of investigating death row cases to see if the condemned where indeed guilty and punishable by death. They found out that most of the men currently on death row were innocent! Can you believe that? It is mind boggling to me that we have so many men in prison already, but to kill innocent men just because there was no evidence for another suspect? Just because the man was black and poor, and easy to blame? Holy shit! The documentary also showed a time line of the death penalty since it came back to existence in 1976. After a short ban on capital punishment, it rose back up with a stronger force than before. Because of one man, Gilmore - who had murdered a police officer - capital punishment was back with a vengeance. People were excited to see him die, and after that didn't care about the rest of the cases. Here are some statistics and a chronological time line to show how rampant capital punishment had become.

July 1976 : Supreme Court overturns ban on capital punishment to kill Gilmore
1976 - 1980 : There are 3 executions in the United States.
1981 - 1990 : There are 140 executions.
1991 - 2000 : There are 540 executions.
1995 - 2000 : There are 152 executions in Texas under none other than our favorite politician - George W. Bush.

George W. Bush was asked during a debate whether or not all of the 458 inmates currently on death row and the 152 inmates that had been executed during his time in office were 100% guilty, beyond reasonable doubt. His reply was, "I know for a fact that all of them are 2 things. They are (1) guilty without a doubt and (2) have had full access to the court system, both federal and state."


I would like to have the time in my life to investigate just 10 of those cases and I bet you that at least 1 of them was innocent. Then I would go to George W. Bush and tell him what I really think of him. But, alas - I cannot. I can just sit on my couch and feel disgusted with our system when another inmate is sitting on death row waiting to be executed. Shit.

quotes about atheism...

While we're on the subject of atheism - I was watching a documentary called "The History of Disbelief" and I found some of the quotes so intriguing, I thought I would share them. :) Maybe you will understand a little bit more of where I'm coming from.

"So far as I can remember, there's not one word in the gospels in praise of intelligence."
-Bertrand Russell

"Generally speaking, errors in religion are dangerous. Those in philosophy are just ridiculous."
-David Hume

"If we go back to the beginning, we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods, that fancy, enthusiasm or deceit adorned them, that weakness worships them, that credulity preserves them and that custom, respect, and tyranny support them in order to make the blindest of men serve their own interests." ... "The ignorance of nature gave birth to the gods, the knowledge of nature is calculated to destroy them."
-Baron D'Holbach
1723 - 1789

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

atheists are good people too...

So, funny story. If you haven't already figured it out, or you don't know anything about me yet - I am an atheist. Please keep in mind that I am not the stereotypical atheist, I only identify as an atheist because I do not believe there is a "God". If you have looked around my blog for any amount of time, you will see that I am a lover of knowledge, logic, reason, comprehension, understanding. Those things and a "God" just don't go well together. You can't listen to logic and reason and look at a fossil and still believe some "heavenly power" has a part of it. C'mon now. No offense if you do, that's your thing. But I don't, and that's my thing. I can really appreciate people on their own level of goodness when God has nothing to do with it. If you pull over to help me with a flat tire, I am going to think you are a good person - no matter WHAT religion you proclaim to believe in. You could be a devil worshiper, and if you help me out on a human level, I will thank you and probably reward you in some way, shape or form. I am just non-denominational in my way of thinking. SO, in return, when I do something nice for someone, I want to be recognized as doing something nice for them on a personal level instead of a religious level. If I stop to help you change your flat tire, I would like to hear "Thank you, you are so kind" instead of "Thank the Lord in Heaven that you came to help me today".

So, here's the funny story. My man had found a wallet in a KFC in Portland. He picked it up and looked inside and the woman's ID said she lived in Salem. For those of you not familiar with Oregon, Salem is about a 45 minute drive. He decided that we would go to the address on her ID and hand her her wallet. Good Samaritan, right? So he picked me up and we went to Salem on this adventure. As we were on our way, I was looking through the wallet for a phone number or some way we could get a hold of her to tell her we were on our way. I found a check book with JESUS checks in it (I mean, animated pictures of JESUS). There was her phone number. I called and left a message and as soon as I hung up, my man and I started laughing. Oh dear, here we go. We are going all the way to Salem to return this woman's wallet, and she is going to say to us that God had something to do with it. Great. So, we get a call back from her and agree to meet her at the Walgreen's near her house. We drive up and she is standing in the parking lot. We drive up to her and hand her her wallet through my passenger side window. As she accepts her returned wallet, she is raving about how thankful she is that we helped her out. My man and I were pleased! She was thanking us instead of thanking God. It was beautiful! She even gave me a gift certificate for her bead business. I was surprised that we stood there for 5 minutes talking and she didn't mention the Lord's name once. Then, as we are saying our goodbyes, her husband decides to chime in (like we knew he would) and say "All I've got to say is - God is good!" I looked at my man with that face, that "what do I say" face - and he leans over to speak for the first time and says "Well, we're atheists - and we're good too!" I swear, that seemed like the funniest thing they had ever heard. They said "That's good!" as we drove away, and we could hear them laughing all the way during the drive out of the Walgreen's parking lot.

So, the moral of the story is - no matter what religion you claim, make sure to thank people on a personal level for things they have done to help you out. It makes them feel a lot better about themselves and their actions, and will probably promote those actions in the future! :)

confidence is key...

I have noticed throughout my life that confidence is key. Confidence gets you what you want, when you want it. In relationships, it's a funny thing. People can be attracted to confidence, but it could turn someone off as well. But when it comes to everyday tasks that could otherwise be hard to handle, confidence gets you what you want. One example of this would be what happened to me yesterday. I had this Black Cherry Chocolate phone that was barely a week old. I had taken it to the beach with me on Sunday, and SOMEHOW it got really, really, really scratched. The weird thing is, I didn't even drop it in the sand. I think that somehow, sand got in my pocket and the little Chocolate's face was soooo tender that it just scratched right up. This pissed me off to no end. I knew, however, that Verizon had a somewhat flexible return policy. I knew that if I had enough confidence when I went in to try to get a new phone (for free), it would happen without fail. The hang up was, there was no real problem with the phone except it being scratched, and I didn't have the original box. So, I called one Verizon store in Beaverton and asked them what I would have to do. They notified me that I would have to call customer service (611) and ask them to OK me returning my phone at a Verizon store. So I did that. The woman on the phone was very helpful, because I was confident in telling her what I wanted to happen. She put the notes on my account, and I left to go downtown. When I got to the downtown Verizon store, I worked with a woman (so you know I didn't flirt to get my phone) and it was pain free. I had a confident attitude of "this is not working for me and therefore I want a new phone" and the only problem she had was that I didn't have the box. I told her that she could just take the box of my new phone (even though I wanted a Black one now instead of a Black Cherry one) and use it as my return box. She obeyed my order without any ado. It was amazing. If I had come in and asked nicely, she would have pulled the old "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do without the original packaging" line. But because I told her how it was going to go down, there was no argument what so ever. So, when you want something done - you just have to have confidence in yourself. If you second guess yourself, people will take advantage of that every day. I don't let that shit slide, and neither should y'all. I am also very happy with my new black, unscratched Chocolate phone. :) (Just in case you were wondering).

people must be entertained...

Last night I watched the movie "The Gladiator". It's amazing to watch movies like that since I found this new way of thinking. I have been priding myself on not watching movies that just entertain. I don't like to watch pointless stories of another world to satisfy my entertainment hunger. For that, I watch the scientific programming I speak so fondly of, or get my mind fucked by a good old fashioned documentary. But most human beings find themselves lost and in love with the idea of a "good movie". Something entertaining has always been favored over something educational. This has most recently been on my mind since all my friends can be found "at the movies" wasting their precious time and $$$ on pure and mindless entertainment.

Gladiator was a little bit different in the sense that it had really good points and life lessons that you could gather from it. I don't know what really good points and life lessons you will gain from "Transformers". If you have seen the movie, (Gladiator, that is) you may understand what I got out of it. There is a part in the movie where they are trying to decide if it is a good idea to bring the gladiator battles backed to Rome, since the previous Emperor had banned them. The winning argument was that "the people must be entertained". So, the battles were brought back to life. During the battles, one Gladiator took the crowd by storm. He ravaged and killed and survived to be able to face the Emperor. He won the crowd, more than the Emperor himself. He eventually overthrew an Emperor's reign just by being popular enough in an entertainment setting.

My question is - how can something like popularity be able to take over an entire Empire? Think about that. That's like a really big celebrity known for conquering in an entertainment forum taking over the country. That's like - I don't know - Arnold Schwarzenegger running for President. And winning. Isn't it crazy how the United States is in the same predicament that the people in Rome where? The people in Rome just wanted to be entertained. The people in the United States just want to be entertained. The people in Rome were entertained by blood, guts and murder. The people in the United States are entertained by the idea of blood, guts and murder. It's just not real, and that's the difference. At least the Roman slave who overthrew the Emperor actually accomplished something. He defeated many enemies in battle. He conquered many armies in his career as a general. All Arnold did was PRETEND. He pretended that he killed Aliens. And if he could over throw Bush's empire, he would. Thank GOD he is from Austria and not able to run. What would the country come to if the people elected a celebrity?

the last...

This is the last thing I posted on MySpace back in 2007.
The only response I got was "Do you really have an AK 47?"
And for the last time, YES I do. See?


I just watched a new documentary called "The Corporation". You can find it on the Sundance Channel, and it is DEFINITELY worth watching. Here's what I got out of it:

...Did you know that corporations can now patent life? That's right... anything short of an actual human being can be patented. Can you imagine privatization of LIFE? Now the patent office has an entire room filled with patents, dedicated only to OWNING the RIGHTS to LIFE. Tell me i'm wrong, but i think that's a little more disturbing than abortion.

...Did you know that corporations played a big part in Nazi Germany? During the war? During the holocaust? IBM serviced and maintained a punch card system that helped identify prisoners in concentration camps' race, creed, religion, and method of death, including: execution, suicide, starvation, and "special treatment" meaning the gas chambers. There are many other corporations involved in the war, but to me - performing maintenance on a punch card machine in a concentration camp where hundreds of thousands are being murdered is a little below the belt for me. But hey, it's profit, right? No one can say no to profit.

...Did you know that when September 11th happened, every stock broker in New York will tell you that their first thought was "I wonder if gold is up?" and it was. So all their clients doubled their money. They made loads of money off of mass destruction and chaos. But hey, making money is the American way. Even when our own are dying and being terrorized. The same stock brokers will tell you that they were endorsing the bombing of Saddam Hussein in the early 1990's, because the price of oil was skyrocketing and their pockets were filling. No wonder I never got into the stock market. I have too big a heart.

...Did you know that in Bolivia, the water was privatized? That means that people were working their asses off all day to be able to afford food, shelter, clothing and WATER. They were starving to be able to have water. Not buying baby food so that they could buy water. Until one day, they decided to protest. And someone got killed. And they took over. They inherited all the problems of the previously privatized water company, but at least they will be able to SURVIVE. Imagine that. Must be nice.

...Did you know that by 2025, we are posed to RUN OUT OF WATER? That means that our lives are going to change. Can you imagine not going to work, not going to school, not having pets, just because your life is now dedicated to fighting for and scavenging for WATER? We may be the crest of a new wave of civilization. We may be at the front lines of the beginning of the end. Al i know is i am prepared - come try to get my water stash and i'll shoot you down with my A-K 47. And yes, i really do have an A-K 47. Stop asking me that and see for yourself.

the first...

This is the first thing I wrote on MySpace, back in 2005. Unfortunately, the only feedback I got was on a spelling error. Thanks, for that.


I hold these truths to be self evident:

Most people are dense. You know, thick headed? Not intelligent? But no one will ever admit it. Because they really don't know. Do you know? Or do you know that you are different? 95% of Americans are scientifically illiterate. NO, science is not the study of UFOs and psychokinesis. Science is not just evolution, nuclear physics, and DNA. Its the every day science of life. Its the living, breathing organs in your body. Its the chair that you are sitting on. Its your refrigerator magnet. Its the way your eye glasses were manufactured. Its medicine, antibiotics, chemotherapy. It is the way your car runs. Ever know nothing about your car, except that it runs? Ever think about the computer screen, computer hard drive, and how they work? Or how the internet works? Ever REALLY think about talking to me on a computer screen halfway across the country? Ever use a color changing marker? Ever worn contact lenses, and wonder just HOW you were able to see better when you stuck a tiny piece of plastic material on your eye? No, you haven't. THINK about it. Educate yourself in the wonders of life. Turn off the TV and go outside and LOOK UP. For once, think about what's beyond the stars. Do you REALLY think that it's just a pretty background? Or that there is some sort of heaven behind them? Listen to science, which explains that our universe is just one of BILLIONS. Explain that to yourself. Wait, repeat it one more time. NOW you are getting there. NOW you are almost to where I'm at. When you are where I'm at, you will be enjoying the view. And realizing how retarded this society and its inhabitants are.

"In a world where ignorance is bliss; tis folly to be wise."

I'm wise, and I'm proud of it. Are you? Or are you just another ignorant human being who takes this life, this world, this universe, this galaxy, this eternity for granted?

...Be sure to let me know. I'd LOVE to hear what you have to say about this.

c) 2005.

the beginning of the end...

Hello world...

This is my blog. I decided to do this because I was sick of what MySpace had to offer in terms of intelligent conversation and friendships that produced logical thinking and debates on important issues. It was actually quite silly to believe i would find that on MySpace at all.

So, here I am.

I am here, sharing my thoughts, opinions, beliefs and discoveries on I find the name of my new blog amusing seeing that I have lived by that quote ever since I became "wise". I met my boyfriend three years ago, and ever since it has been non stop education. Non stop learning. Non stop scientific programming. Non stop knowledge. Non stop growth into a wise and intelligent human being.

And now, I am sharing what I have learned with the world. Day by day, knowledge is gained and internalized. But I am sick of keeping it inside. I want to share it with the world, if the world is ready. If not, then this will serve as a personal journal. It will keep my mind fresh, reminding myself of the things I have learned over the years.

Either way, I am content. Content being wise when the world is blissfully ignorant.

Why don't you join me?