Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the last...

This is the last thing I posted on MySpace back in 2007.
The only response I got was "Do you really have an AK 47?"
And for the last time, YES I do. See?


I just watched a new documentary called "The Corporation". You can find it on the Sundance Channel, and it is DEFINITELY worth watching. Here's what I got out of it:

...Did you know that corporations can now patent life? That's right... anything short of an actual human being can be patented. Can you imagine privatization of LIFE? Now the patent office has an entire room filled with patents, dedicated only to OWNING the RIGHTS to LIFE. Tell me i'm wrong, but i think that's a little more disturbing than abortion.

...Did you know that corporations played a big part in Nazi Germany? During the war? During the holocaust? IBM serviced and maintained a punch card system that helped identify prisoners in concentration camps' race, creed, religion, and method of death, including: execution, suicide, starvation, and "special treatment" meaning the gas chambers. There are many other corporations involved in the war, but to me - performing maintenance on a punch card machine in a concentration camp where hundreds of thousands are being murdered is a little below the belt for me. But hey, it's profit, right? No one can say no to profit.

...Did you know that when September 11th happened, every stock broker in New York will tell you that their first thought was "I wonder if gold is up?" and it was. So all their clients doubled their money. They made loads of money off of mass destruction and chaos. But hey, making money is the American way. Even when our own are dying and being terrorized. The same stock brokers will tell you that they were endorsing the bombing of Saddam Hussein in the early 1990's, because the price of oil was skyrocketing and their pockets were filling. No wonder I never got into the stock market. I have too big a heart.

...Did you know that in Bolivia, the water was privatized? That means that people were working their asses off all day to be able to afford food, shelter, clothing and WATER. They were starving to be able to have water. Not buying baby food so that they could buy water. Until one day, they decided to protest. And someone got killed. And they took over. They inherited all the problems of the previously privatized water company, but at least they will be able to SURVIVE. Imagine that. Must be nice.

...Did you know that by 2025, we are posed to RUN OUT OF WATER? That means that our lives are going to change. Can you imagine not going to work, not going to school, not having pets, just because your life is now dedicated to fighting for and scavenging for WATER? We may be the crest of a new wave of civilization. We may be at the front lines of the beginning of the end. Al i know is i am prepared - come try to get my water stash and i'll shoot you down with my A-K 47. And yes, i really do have an A-K 47. Stop asking me that and see for yourself.

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