Wednesday, February 13, 2008

are you one of those people that... (#2)

Are you one of those people that voted for Obama?


That's all I want to know. The Oregon Primary is only a few months away, and I am going to have to make my own decision. I've contemplated this many times, especially after watching non-stop coverage on CNN.

I often hear Wolf asking the question:
"How do you feel about Americans electing an African American president?"
And I think "That's right. This is a totally new concept. Our Democratic front runner is a black male. We are about to CHANGE American history forever. What do I mean? Well, think about it like this. We have had the following presidents since 1789:

George Washington
white male
57 years old

John Adams
white male
62 years old

Thomas Jefferson
white male
58 years old

James Madison
white male
58 years old

James Monroe
white male
59 years old

John Quincy Adams
white male
58 years old

Andrew Jackson
white male
62 years old

Martin Van Buren
white male
55 years old

William Henry Harrison
white male
68 years old

John Tyler
white male
51 years old

James K. Polk
white male
50 years old

Zachary Taylor
white male
65 years old

Millard Fillmore
white male
50 years old

Franklin Pierce
white male
49 years old

James Buchanan
white male
66 years old

Abraham Lincoln
white male
52 years old

Andrew Johnson
white male
57 years old

Ulysses S. Grant
white male
47 years old

Rutherford B. Hayes
white male
55 years old

James Garfield
white male
50 years old

Chester Arthur
white male
52 years old

Grover Cleveland
white male
48 years old

Benjamin Harrison
white male
56 years old

Grover Cleveland
white male
56 years old

William McKinley
white male
54 years old

Theodore Roosevelt
white male
43 years old

William H. Taft
white male
52 years old

Woodrow Wilson
white male
57 years old

Warren Harding
white male
56 years old

Calvin Coolidge
white male
51 years old

Herbert Hoover
white male
55 years old

Franklin D. Roosevelt
white male
51 years old

Harry Truman
white male
61 years old

Dwight Eisenhower
white male
63 years old

John F. Kennedy
white male
44 years old

Lyndon Johnson
white male
55 years old

Richard Nixon
white male
56 years old

Gerald Ford
white male
61 years old

Jimmy Carter
white male
53 years old

Ronald Reagan
white male
70 years old

George H. W. Bush
white male
65 years old

Bill Clinton
white male
47 years old

George W. Bush
white male
55 years old
(sorry, it was the only decent picture I could find online)

NOW... after all that history and tradition,
all those white males in their 50's and 60's -
here's a hint to what's different.

we have this to choose from in the upcoming election:

Hillary Clinton
white female
60 years old

(ok, in all fairness - here's a better picture)

Barack Obama
black male
46 years old

John Edwards
white male
54 years old

Hmmmm. It seems to me, John Edwards would be the logical choice. If America followed in the footsteps of their ancestors, technically they should be voting for the white male in his 50's. But something is different now. Something has changed.

Now, voters are so mad at what the LAST white male in his 50's did, that they are ready to change positions! They are ready to elect an African American, who has barely any experience running a state or country, and has minimal years of experience in politics. They are ready to change history forever. That is quite a statement, my friends.

If you are one of those people who are voting for Barack Obama, then just remember every day that you are part of changing America's history. Because who knows, anything is possible now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

computers and radios...

After watching "Blog Wars" on the Sundance Channel, I started to think seriously about what they were saying. They were explaining that rich people (namely politicians) were sitting at home with their radios in regards to the media they put out. Then the middle class and poor people in America were sitting at home on their computers putting information out there. I'm sorry - didn't it used to be that the rich people were the only ones who could afford computers? And they are the ones sitting at home with their radios? And poor people own the higher form of technology? I guess the tables have turned in this information age. The tables have turned in my favor. I am just one broke girl sitting at home, typing my thoughts and opinions on my brand new laptop (for the world to hear). That, my friends is beautiful.

Friday, October 12, 2007

are you one of those people that... (#1)

watches the news, and then participates immediately in their "online polls"???

Well, there is nothing wrong with that, unless you are one of those people that are easily influenced by the propaganda the news is handing you. For example, our Multnomah County Sheriff, Bernie Guisto, has recently come under some allegations that some feel should put him out of office. If you had never heard this story before, and you watched the 2 minute segment they did on the news, and THEN you went and did their online poll (and voted that you wanted him to resign), you are a dumb ass. Only because the 2 minute segment briefly described the allegations, and did it in a very slanderous way. It was like this... KGW says here is your information (in 2 minutes) -

"The state threatened to strip Multnomah County Sheriff Bernie Giusto of his law enforcement credentials based on allegations that he knew of former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt's rape of a 14-year-old girl years ago and misled the public about the fact. Giusto has been given the option of agreeing to have his ... certification revoked or appeal the decision. "DPSST has received information that you may have violated the established moral fitness standards for Oregon public safety officers by ... misrepresenting to the public your knowledge, or the extent of your knowledge, of Neil Goldschmidt's relationship with an underage female," reads part of a letter to Giusto from the DPSST. Through his spokesman, Giusto on Thursday denied lying and said he will appeal the allegations. In fact, he insisted he'll remain on the job even if his license is revoked. His terms lasts through 2010. Giusto's case is expected to go before a committee on November 13th. Goldschmidt's rape of the girl became public in 2004. He admitted sexually abusing the girl, who was his children's babysitter at the time -- in the 1970's."

Then, KGW asked its viewers to go online and participate in an online poll, saying whether or not they think Guisto should resign from his position as sheriff. The poll results showed up like this:

-77% think he should resign
-22% think he shouldn't
-6% said they were undecided

Ok, ok... Let me get this straight. You don't know the full details of the allegations - all you know is that this one guy, who holds public office, may have known that the governor was having sex with his babysitter IN THE 1970's. First of all, when did we start telling sheriffs to resign because of gossip? That's like saying we should ask our SHERIFF, the person in charge of protecting our county, to resign because he said "Hey, did you hear that our governor was having sex with his babysitter like 30 years ago?" That's craziness. And second of all, it's crazy that the people residing in his county would TURN THEIR BACKS ON HIM and ask him to resign after hearing a 2 MINUTE NEWS SEGMENT. What is this world coming to? That's like VOTING FOR A PRESIDENT because of one thing he stands on. That's like voting the wrong person into office because he stands against abortion. Oh wait, I know people who did that. And they are a dumb ass for it.

FIND OUT THE FACTS. RESEARCH. LIKE I DID. And you will see that it is NOT like the news portrays it. IT NEVER IS. But our society is hooked on what those news anchors tell us. THEY MAKE THEIR DECISIONS on what Joe Donlon has to say. That's retarded. And if you are one of those people that does the online polls and MAKES YOUR DECISION on what the news tells you in 2 minutes - you are retarded.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

are you one of those people that...

Hello everyone and anyone who reads my lowly blog on this thing called the internet -

I am starting a new segment for the blog...

It's called "Are you one of those people that..." and it will deal mostly with idiotic things that people do, and me calling them out for it. Legitimate claims, as you would expect. I don't just talk shit and don't have anything to back it up. So, if you happen to be reading along, and you come across a piece from this segment, and you know that you are so busted - just read my point of view and try to understand it. Maybe it will help you realize what a dumb ass move you pulled. Or, if you are completely helpless and are a more-than-usual-stubborn individual, you may be reading the wrong blog. And if you happen to read a blog from this segment, and you know exactly what I'm talking about, and couldn't agree more - let me know!!!! I love hearing from like-minded people. They are so much better to converse with. :) I don't like to waste my time on those other people. Just kidding. :) (or am I?)

Happy reading!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

on the human level... (evolution)

So, I was watching a National Geographic special about Yellowstone Park last night, and it made some very interesting points. Besides being beautiful and crystal clear on my new HD, (which is why we originally watched it) it made a very good point for evolution. There are over 4,000 bison in Yellowstone Park, and about 32 different packs of 10 wolves or more. Naturally, the wolves hunt mainly bison. There is one pack in particular that are "bison specialists" according to the local park rangers. One day, the rangers received a call from some tourists who had seen that certain pack of wolves take down a bison in a relatively short period of time. In fact, when this pack normally kills a bison, they do it in about an hour, and that is fast. But the guests of the park said they saw the wolves kill a normal sized bison in only 15 minutes. Wow. So the rangers went looking for the carcass to see why it was so easy to make the kill. When they found it, they cracked open the bone and found that the bone marrow was red and clumpy. Usually it should be brown and have the consistency of peanut butter. Weak bone marrow means a sickly, dying bison. So, it is gathered that evolution is why this bison died. The pack noticed that the sick and dying bison was being selected for hunting, and they left her alone with the wolves. They decided that they would rather have a member of their herd who was sick die, than any member of the herd that was healthy. They choose to keep the healthy bison in the herd, so that the healthy bison could pass down the trait of strong bone marrow. They did what us humans should do. Our sick, dying and useless members of our "herd" are not phased out, though. We let our sick, dying and useless reproduce - and reproduce more of their kind into society. The bison herd wins. The humans haven't quite figured evolution out yet - on the human level.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

quote of the day...

Rick Sanchez, CNN News Anchor

"What's wrong with a white guy doing social commentary on another race? On the one hand, he's brave enough to do it, on the other hand, he's trying to be real honest about it. Its meant to be a compliment, but its not. Every African American I've talked to since this (and my, have I gotten a bevy of phone calls) inside and outside the business - people are actually offended. They call this a suttle type of racism. Not the "hit you over the head with a hammer" type, its the velvet glove type."

-on Bill O'Reilly's comment below, after visiting a Harlem restaurant with Al Sharpton

"I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." He later went on to add "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea."

Monday, September 17, 2007

on the human level... (family)

What is family? The idea of family is not something that is put on the human level. We should, though. What do I owe you because you are my related to me? Who says that I have to be loyal and unconditionally loving just because we happen to share the same blood line? Why do people pressure you to keep family ties so close? On the human level, I don't owe anyone anything. If you are an important person in my life, that is because you have worked hard to get here. It is because you have done something for me, human to human. You have been there for me when I needed you. I have done the same. You have been the one to catch me when I fall. You have greatly benefited my life by being in it. And I appreciate you for that. But when someone treats you like crap, abuses you and puts you through hell, and then expects you to love them and cherish them because they are related to you - I call bullshit! On the human level, I don't owe you anything! You are not important to me because you have scarred me. I have this rule, that when friends scar me, and I can't seem to find a reason to keep them around - I don't. I can find new friends! There is no use keeping people around that are only going to bring you down. So why can't the same rule apply to family? Why can't I tell my mom and step-dad to fuck off because they practically ruined my life? Why should I keep them around when friends I have cut off have done way less to hurt me? So I didn't. As an example to the world, that putting things on the human level is possible - I cut off my parents. Now don't be afraid to do the same for those that have caused you monstrous amounts of pain.