Tuesday, August 21, 2007

quote of the day...

Phil Donahue, talk show Pioneer

"We are the most religious nation on Earth. We throw more holy water, sing in more choirs, we build more mosques, churches and synagogues. And dispatch our loved ones at the end of our lives with more prayer and holy smoke than any other nation in the history of the universe. Apparently you can't get elected to anything in this country without God blessing this and that and my dog and my cat. I mean, this is ridiculous. People are tripping over their robes to bless everything in public life. And you know - God himself must be up there saying and wincing, 'Whoa, whoa, hold it. Don't talk to me, talk to the person next to you on the bus.'"

-on religion in America
featured on documentary "Godless in America"

1 comment:

Jason said...

Yup. All true. What's ironic that religious right cannot seem fathom that separation of state and church and liberty of religious conviction is what led to this religious prosperity in US.