Wednesday, August 29, 2007

quote of the day...

Slavoj Zizek, pioneer of philosophy

"The most elementary definition of ideology is probably the well known phrase from Marx's Capital:

"They do not know it, but they are doing it."

The fundamental level of ideology, however, is not of an illusion making the real state of things but that of an (unconscious) fantasy structuring our social reality itself."

-on ideology and how it functions
from a documentary, Zizek!

Translate that, and see if you can get it right. If you do, I will ultimately respect you intellectually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this almost a year old, i realize, but still:

what zizek is getting at is that, in order of ideology to by sustained, it must do so via fetishism. that is to say: ideology is the (freudian rather than jungian) unconsciously accepted symbolic structure of society, which can only be upheld through what is consciously understood. for instance, one says, "i know that global capitalism is detrimental, nevertheless i believe it's necessary since global communication is already happening." this "but nevertheless" is the unconsciously accepted ideology that upholds capitalism.

i strongly recommend reading zizeks "for the they know not what they do: enjoyment as a political factor"...most notably the final few chapters.