Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the first...

This is the first thing I wrote on MySpace, back in 2005. Unfortunately, the only feedback I got was on a spelling error. Thanks, for that.


I hold these truths to be self evident:

Most people are dense. You know, thick headed? Not intelligent? But no one will ever admit it. Because they really don't know. Do you know? Or do you know that you are different? 95% of Americans are scientifically illiterate. NO, science is not the study of UFOs and psychokinesis. Science is not just evolution, nuclear physics, and DNA. Its the every day science of life. Its the living, breathing organs in your body. Its the chair that you are sitting on. Its your refrigerator magnet. Its the way your eye glasses were manufactured. Its medicine, antibiotics, chemotherapy. It is the way your car runs. Ever know nothing about your car, except that it runs? Ever think about the computer screen, computer hard drive, and how they work? Or how the internet works? Ever REALLY think about talking to me on a computer screen halfway across the country? Ever use a color changing marker? Ever worn contact lenses, and wonder just HOW you were able to see better when you stuck a tiny piece of plastic material on your eye? No, you haven't. THINK about it. Educate yourself in the wonders of life. Turn off the TV and go outside and LOOK UP. For once, think about what's beyond the stars. Do you REALLY think that it's just a pretty background? Or that there is some sort of heaven behind them? Listen to science, which explains that our universe is just one of BILLIONS. Explain that to yourself. Wait, repeat it one more time. NOW you are getting there. NOW you are almost to where I'm at. When you are where I'm at, you will be enjoying the view. And realizing how retarded this society and its inhabitants are.

"In a world where ignorance is bliss; tis folly to be wise."

I'm wise, and I'm proud of it. Are you? Or are you just another ignorant human being who takes this life, this world, this universe, this galaxy, this eternity for granted?

...Be sure to let me know. I'd LOVE to hear what you have to say about this.

c) 2005.

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