Tuesday, August 7, 2007

the beginning of the end...

Hello world...

This is my blog. I decided to do this because I was sick of what MySpace had to offer in terms of intelligent conversation and friendships that produced logical thinking and debates on important issues. It was actually quite silly to believe i would find that on MySpace at all.

So, here I am.

I am here, sharing my thoughts, opinions, beliefs and discoveries on follytobewise.blogspot.com. I find the name of my new blog amusing seeing that I have lived by that quote ever since I became "wise". I met my boyfriend three years ago, and ever since it has been non stop education. Non stop learning. Non stop scientific programming. Non stop knowledge. Non stop growth into a wise and intelligent human being.

And now, I am sharing what I have learned with the world. Day by day, knowledge is gained and internalized. But I am sick of keeping it inside. I want to share it with the world, if the world is ready. If not, then this will serve as a personal journal. It will keep my mind fresh, reminding myself of the things I have learned over the years.

Either way, I am content. Content being wise when the world is blissfully ignorant.

Why don't you join me?

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