Monday, September 17, 2007

on the human level... (words)

What are words? Words are spoken communication. They express statements. They describe what is the so called "truth". They speak promises. They create rules by spoken word. They are ways of expressing what your brain is feeling inside. Then, what are actions? They are things that you physically do. They are steps in the right direction. They are back up to your words. They are the real truth. I can say that I have 15 years of experience in the Accounting field. But do my actions back it up? No. I can tell you that I love you, that I will cherish and honor you till death do we part. I can tell you that I promise not to cheat on you, or stab you in the back as a friend. I can tell you not to smoke cigarettes. But words don't mean shit. Actions are where it's at. Just because you say you are going to do something doesn't mean its going to get done. I can tell you I love you, but then fuck your best friend. Would you believe that I still loved you? Wouldn't you rather have me working hard to prove it to you in my actions? When you get in a car accident and you are paralyzed from the neck down, who is going to wipe your ass? The person who really loves you. You can promise love and commitment, but what happens when the person you say you love can't walk anymore. Will you still be there? Treat everyone you love and care about on the human level. From the very beginning, providers and men of their word (by backing it up with actions) always got the girl. So be that, be human. Don't promise one thing and do another. Back it up. Prove it. Be what you say you are - is that too much to deal with? I didn't think so.

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